Tag Archives: Foreigner

“I Don’t Know About You, But I Wanna Know What LOVE Is!!!”


So, what is LOVE?

By definition, Love is:

tender, passionate affection or strong personal liking.



But is that all Love is?

Apparently, I’m not the only one who wants to know what Love is; because it is also the title of a very popular ballad by a rock band called Foreigner. The chorus of the song is a simple request:

I want to know what Love is”.

And furthermore, the leading vocalist wants someone to show him.
But what does the bible say about Love?

It is of no surprise that the word “Love” appears more than 500 times in the NIV (New International Version) Bible; and about 700 if you count the different variations of the word “Love” (e.g. “loves”, “loved” etc).

By biblical definition, the word Love means:

The ULTIMATE expression of God’s Loyalty, Purity, and Mercy extended towards His people.

God’s Love is so faithful and it endures forever! (1 Chronicle 16:41, Psalms 106:1) King David said in Psalms 59:10,In his unfailing love, my God will stand with me. He will let me look down in triumph on all my enemies” (New Living Translation). And this Psalm was written during a time when Saul had sent soldiers to watch over David’s house so they could kill him! But even in the midst of that, David saw God’s “UNFAILING LOVE

The best example of God’s Love is found in one of the most famous scriptures in the entire Bible… and that’s John 3:16.

God Loved the world (us) so much that he sent his One and Only Son into this sinful world to DIE for us all! Because, lets face it! Scripturally speaking, we have ALL missed the mark (Romans 3:23); and rightfully so, we all deserve punishment for our sins, and transgressions towards God (Romans 6:23). But God – in all of His Love – has declared us sinners to be righteous when we believe in His Son’s perfect sacrifice (Romans 3:24-25).

So going back to the songwriter’s request, he wanted to know what Love is…

Well, that’s simple… GOD IS LOVE! (1 John 4:8).

And He did more than enough to show this! Because while we were enemies, Christ died for us sinners (Romans 5:6-8).

“For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful LOVE for you will remain…”

Isaiah 54:10 (New Living Translation)

God bless.

Written By::: Dennis Jackson